Posts Tagged ‘Maid Cafe’

Me in a Penguin Mask

The second place we visited today was Akihabara, known as the electric city because of the large number of shops selling games, appliances, etc. It’s also known for being an Otaku haven. The first thing we did was go to a Maid Cafe. It was somewhat interesting, but not really my cup of tea. The waitresses were all dressed in French maid uniforms and were really upbeat in everything they did. I was surprised to see how popular maid cafes are. The cafe served a variety of food and drinks, at really high prices. I ordered some sort of drink w/ ice cream and whip cream on it. I, however, had to WAIT 45 MINUTES AFTER EVERYBODY GOT THERE STUFF TO GET MY DRINK, AND I HAD TO LET THE MAID KNOW ON TWO OCCASIONS THAT I DIDN’T GET MY DRINK YET!!!!!!!!!!……yes…that’s how I felt today. It was irritating. Everytime they brought a menu item to the table, they made us do a little chant with hand motions before eating or drinking. It seemed to vary depending on what you ordered. Taking pictures weren’t allowed in the cafe, but they charge to take a picture with them. Pvan ordered some spaghetti that was really good btw.

Solid Snake

Afterwards, we went through a few of the stores. There wasn’t really anything worth taking note of save for the penguin mask I found and the statue of Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid. There was a gaming store filled with various old school games. I really wanted to buy them but they don’t work on American systems so of course I didn’t.